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Particularly, we will deal with the combination of several low dynamic range images of the same scene acquired with different exposure times, in order to create a HDR image. Most methods combine the radiance values instead of the usual color values of standard 8 bit per pixel and channel images. When using the radiance, the result obtained by a HDR method has to be converted into a standard representation, for visualization in common displays. There exists a wide literature on HDR imaging. ? ) is designed to diminish the contribution of under and over exposed pixels. Figure 1 displays some examples of weighting functions. In order to apply the weighted average in Equation (1), the image sequence needs to be static, that is, the objects in the scene do not move and the camera is fixed. This is not the case for many sequences, and the application of such methods introduces ghosting effects. While the application of the inverse transfer function permits to combine values acquired with different exposure, it is not adequate for taking care of noise.|The latest CDC report showed that construction workers had the highest suicide rates among men in the U.S. If you've ever suffered from the mental and emotional turmoil related to long-term involuntary unemployment, you may think it's a low point of your life. But being employed can be just as stressful, so overwhelming that some workers choose to end their lives. Some occupations, it turns out, can make life harder, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Prevention (CDC) has the statistics that prove it. Looking at data from 17 states for the year 2015, CDC researchers found that the occupational group with the highest suicide rate for men was "construction and extraction," which includes construction workers, carpenters, masons and the like: The rate was 53.2 for every 100,000 people. That number is startling in comparison to the American suicide rate in general (13.42 suicides per 100,000 people).6 per 100,000. That's actually the same category that saw the largest leap (47 percent) in male suicides from 2012 to 2015, and includes jobs related to work like illustration, news reporting, tattooing and even professional athletes. Why should Apple compatibility be the default. Leave all the Android users out in the cold? And what can be done about it? Two good questions, really, and finding these answers is exactly why the Open Automotive Alliance (OAA) was established. The OAA is, according to Google, "a global alliance of technology and auto industry leaders committed to bringing the Android platform to cars starting in 2014." Although Google doesn't specifically frame the situation as a matter of competition or conflict, or even address its rivals by name, it's clear that gaining market share would be a benefit of the OAA's success. This means that even if Apple has a lead on vehicle integration, Google and Android are planning to fight back, and they already have a group of auto manufacturers who want to use their innovations in new car models. The first members to join Google in the OAA were auto manufacturers Audi, General Motors, Honda and Hyundai, and the computer chip maker NVIDIA.|Former US president Donald Trump boasted of his close relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, arguing that the Ukraine crisis would not have happened under his administration. Russia is facing an international backlash after Putin ordered his forces into Ukraine to secure two breakaway enclaves. The move came with tens of thousands of Russian soldiers on Ukraine's borders and amid warnings of an all-out invasion. Biden will address the nation at 18:00 GMT on Russia's actions, the White House said. But Trump, who had been largely silent on the escalating Russian threat to the US ally, criticized the "weak" response which he said did not match Russia's actions. Former White House Russia advisor Fiona Hill told CNN Sunday that Trump's foreign policy had emboldened Putin. The former president's foreign policy, she argued, had been driven by personal concerns rather than the national interest. Hill, one of Trump's most senior aides. azerbaijan

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